
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thankfulness Thursday

It's a Thursday evening, and this was supposed to be the fifth Thankfulness Thursday post on my blog this month.

It's the 29th of the month, and I'm supposed to have posted my recap for October by now.

It's been two weeks since I started an impromptu blog post after something happened during my day that I really just wanted to share my thoughts on.

It's been over a week since I felt like I truly recovered from Write31, haha. There is such a thing as "too much of a good thing". Writing is my thing, I truly *have* to do it. But writing for everyone to see every single day can be just as draining as it is helpful.

Life is full, and it's good. It's also cold, but don't tell my mom. But it's been too long - I've been so busy I haven't even journaled. And so - it's time to write again. Because it's just as draining to not write at all. And balance is key, right?

There are so many small things that I am thankful for right now. Sweaters. Soft blankets. (Y'all know my obsession with fabric. I know these things usually make the list... humor me. I'm always cold and I like to pretend I'm in a soft, warm cloud, okay ;)?) Being paid 2 cents to buy a book I've been eyeing for months now. Sandwiches made from leftover rolls. A walk on a chilly day with a couple of my favorite people. A crochet hook in my hand. (I have decided that I'm gonna start selling Granny square blankets sometime, y'all. They are so therapeutic to make. But they have to pay for their own cost if I'm going to keep making them, haha.)

The things that seem small, but really aren't. Putting up the Christmas tree with our favorite Christmas CD, hot chocolate, and spending the time reliving and adding to those traditions that make the season one I look forward to. A text from a new friend, letting me know that she wanted to pass on some information that she thought would help me. Kind words and a helpful hand. Isaac's laugh.

Some big things. All of you who have donated to little Scott's adoption fund. I can't thank you enough! And that Ronald has found his family, after being on the angel tree for 3 years now. How kind the Lord is! Finding unexpected blessings where I didn't look for them, and learning more about the balance of resting and investing.

I don't have a lot of time to sit and write down the things that make me smile in a day right now. It makes me sad. And yet, you know what, I am such a creature of routine... I would probably write the same things over and over, because they never get old. Snuggling Noah before we get up. Washing my hair. A cheery hello from the lady who bakes the cookies at Chick-fil-a. I love once-in-a-life things, too, but I find the most joy from consistent, anticipated, looked for moments. There have been a lot of those lately. So if my list looks the same as last year... it might be boring to read, but there is truly so much thankfulness that goes into the writing of it.

And I'm thankful for each of you who still check in on my little blog after it's been so quiet (after being so busy!). I know I have several posts I have promised to share that are still in drafts, but I just haven't been able to do them justice yet. I'm hopeful not to be quite such a stranger in the coming weeks. But no matter what, you each make me smile when you read and comment!

Rejoicing in Hope,

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign ✽ Meet Scott

Lookie who's back already ;). You knew you couldn't get rid of me, didn't you?! Haha :). I wanted to share some news with you today, so I hope you don't mind very much ;).

Welcome to November! I always love the start of a new month, but today is extra special, because the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign is open as of today!!! This means that from now to the 31st of December, Reece's Rainbow Adoption Agency is trying to raise 1,000 dollars for each of the sweet babies on the "Angel Tree"! This is something I look forward to each year, seeing all the awareness raised for each of the children and watching their accounts move up the tree, from 0 to 100 to 500 to 1,000... and knowing that it's helping each of those children have a better chance at being placed in a forever family to love them and protect them <3. In the past, I have donated to an account or two (usually the one furthest down on the tree, because it makes my choice easiest, because, in the words of Abbi, how do you choose how to help?!). But this year, I really wanted to do something a little more involved, and so, I am little Scott's advocate this year! You've already seen Scott on my blog last week, but please be introduced to him a little more formally...

You can visit Scott's page for more information HERE.
How do you choose who to help? It's so hard, truly, and I would love to see all of these children climb the 1,000 dollar wall this year, so please, help wherever you want! But, I chose to sponsor Scott specifically for a couple of different reasons. I started out looking through the files of 0-5 year old boys with "other" special needs on purpose because I knew that 1. Reece's Rainbow is known for their down syndrome focus, so many people would be choosing from the down syndrome pages, and 2. it's a known fact in adoption that boys are harder to place than girls, and so I wanted to up one of these little guys accounts, so that when a family came along for him, they had as much help as possible :). Then I combed through the pages, opened several accounts, narrowed down to the three who touched my heart with the least amount in their grants, and asked to be assigned one of the three, haha :). Scott's story definitely touched me - he's a little fighter, that's for sure! He'll be about 4 years old now, and I would love to hear that this little one who has been through so much was placed in a home!

I would be thrilled if any of you would like to donate to Scott's account - or to pray that he would find a loving, godly family to call his own! When you donate to a child's account, 10% of the money is dispersed in other children's accounts, as well, so you will really be helping multiple children :)! The goal is for Scott's MACC account to be at $1,000 by December 31st, and I can't wait to see what God will do with this year's campaign, not just for Scott, but for all of these little ones on the tree this year! And I want to thank each of you right now for every bit of help that you give <3!

Rejoicing in Christ,
Bri <3

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." James 1:27