
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Josiah is 7!

Seven years ago today, our family was heading into one of the scariest events we've had to deal with, but in the end, we got our sweet Josiah out of it, and I'm so very grateful! This little guy is my special bud. And while he's definitely growing up and doesn't seem to need me quite as much as he used to, he still had to sneak in some snuggles the day I came back from being out of town last week, and it thrilled my soul, haha.

Josiah's biggest accomplishment lately has been learning to read so well that he got his own bible for his birthday this year, a special request he made :). He's a knowledgeable little man, loves taking things apart just to look at them, especially if they have batteries and buttons. He's has a good birthday, I think. He and the other little guys were happy to get to go to the store today, a special treat during this pandemic crazy world, and pick out some fun things, I know they enjoyed it!

Happy birthday, Siah!


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Noah is 5!

Five years ago this little imp joined our family! 

His birthday celebration is not going to be quite the same as we've done many years. Daddy's job is running him through the wringer, and covid regulations are still pretty intense where we are, so there won't be a trip to the zoo or anything, but he enjoyed playing with the new sandbox, and we made this little paper rocket craft. It's so cute! I did it with the kids at school, and now with our little guys, and it was a hit with everyone! And of course we'll be doing his cake and presents in just a bit :).

Noah is my self-proclaimed "snuggle buddy". Don't let him fool you, I think he just likes that I always have a blanket with me, but I enjoy it regardless ;). He's a mischievous hilarious little guy, right in the middle of all the little boys, and a wonderful blessing to our family!

Happy birthday, Noah!