
My Testimony

My parents have, and are, raising each of us to *know* God, and I am so grateful for this foundation! But more importantly, and for which I am even more grateful, by His grace Christ has *saved* me by His sacrifice!
As far as a "moment to point to" goes, I was listening to an air preacher, and excepted his offer to come to Jesus, making a profession of faith, when I was six, but, although I believe that Christ saved me at that time, I don't think that I fully knew what it meant to have full faith in and service to him at that time. For years I worried that I wasn't "really saved". I still had so much sin in my life. What if I wasn't saved? On the other hand, I knew that sin did not disappear at salvation, but was rather a slow sanctification process, and faith is not by works. I was slightly confused. But God continued to work on me, and still is. Now, although I know that I am still a human sinner, I have also seen fruit that only comes from God, and I am no longer fearful that I am not saved. Through His grace, I can now say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus truly holds me as His own, and my greatest desire is to serve him. Though it is not our works that save us, thankfulness to him makes us want to obey him, and though we mess up, he can still use us for his glory!
In all truthfulness, though I think that the Lord first convicted me that day I watched the open air preacher, I can't point to a certain time, and say "that was the date". But when you think about it, that isn't what matters anyway. That would be having the focus on you. What I can say, and what Christ truly wants us to say, is "this is the Savior I served!", as we point others to our source of comfort. I am so grateful that he has given me this great gift, and I pray that it's blessing in my life will be used to bless others!

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"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11