
Friday, January 24, 2014

First "Hello" of 2014 :)...

It's been far too long since I blogged, haha :). Our Christmas time was very busy, although very blessed, and since then I've been doing everything but writing a long post about all that has happened while I've neglected blogging (oh, and knitting a baby blanket. I still have yet to buy the yarn for it...)! But both or those things will speedily be changed, I am hoping :). 

This passed three days, the yard has been covered with snow, much to the delight of all who think of snow as a two hour event, haha :). It also snowed about a week before that, novelty of novelties!

We've shoveled (and swept... haha :) ), made snow angels and thrown snowballs, taken pictures and had hot chocolate, quite frequently lately ;). 

Oh, and found rocks. We go into the snow to find rocks. Haha!

Last time it snowed, Tori made a snow Gandalf. Haha :P. There has been a good bit of Lord of the Rings around here, lately, with her reading the books right now.

Peter's first "real" snowfall :)!

And  made  snow ice cream, a family tradition :)... 

We were hit with colds right after New Years, but since then have been trying to settle back into a routine... or as close to one as you can get :). Among other things, I was able to work with Tori and Bethi on knitting earlier this month, which both of them picked up very quickly! Tori and I also worked on some of our "famous" hairpins for the Hidden Treasures auction coming up in February ;).

The study on Mark that Tori and I are doing with a group of friends is turning out to be a great blessing :). I'm working on memorizing the passage we are working on now, hopefully I'll get it all done before we move on! There have been some things that I have discovered that I'd like to share here... I'm waiting to get a chance to do that :). But before you see those posts, a Thankful Thursday is far over-due order, and will be arriving next Thursday, Lord willing!

We are greatly looking forward to the arrival of little Seaweed... just around two more months :)! Maybe less, if this baby decides it wants to break the pattern that we older children seem to have set of being late, some of us very ;). Mommy said the baby's movements remind her exactly of Tori, we're looking forward to seeing what personality the baby has/ who the baby looks most like :).

...Life is never dull around here, haha :)... everything must be creative, including kicking back and relaxing :)... Now, time to go work on some other projects that need worked on :)!