
Friday, January 24, 2014

First "Hello" of 2014 :)...

It's been far too long since I blogged, haha :). Our Christmas time was very busy, although very blessed, and since then I've been doing everything but writing a long post about all that has happened while I've neglected blogging (oh, and knitting a baby blanket. I still have yet to buy the yarn for it...)! But both or those things will speedily be changed, I am hoping :). 

This passed three days, the yard has been covered with snow, much to the delight of all who think of snow as a two hour event, haha :). It also snowed about a week before that, novelty of novelties!

We've shoveled (and swept... haha :) ), made snow angels and thrown snowballs, taken pictures and had hot chocolate, quite frequently lately ;). 

Oh, and found rocks. We go into the snow to find rocks. Haha!

Last time it snowed, Tori made a snow Gandalf. Haha :P. There has been a good bit of Lord of the Rings around here, lately, with her reading the books right now.

Peter's first "real" snowfall :)!

And  made  snow ice cream, a family tradition :)... 

We were hit with colds right after New Years, but since then have been trying to settle back into a routine... or as close to one as you can get :). Among other things, I was able to work with Tori and Bethi on knitting earlier this month, which both of them picked up very quickly! Tori and I also worked on some of our "famous" hairpins for the Hidden Treasures auction coming up in February ;).

The study on Mark that Tori and I are doing with a group of friends is turning out to be a great blessing :). I'm working on memorizing the passage we are working on now, hopefully I'll get it all done before we move on! There have been some things that I have discovered that I'd like to share here... I'm waiting to get a chance to do that :). But before you see those posts, a Thankful Thursday is far over-due order, and will be arriving next Thursday, Lord willing!

We are greatly looking forward to the arrival of little Seaweed... just around two more months :)! Maybe less, if this baby decides it wants to break the pattern that we older children seem to have set of being late, some of us very ;). Mommy said the baby's movements remind her exactly of Tori, we're looking forward to seeing what personality the baby has/ who the baby looks most like :).

...Life is never dull around here, haha :)... everything must be creative, including kicking back and relaxing :)... Now, time to go work on some other projects that need worked on :)!


  1. Looks like the little ones are having fun in the snow:)

  2. Ooh! Hot cocoa!!! May I come?? :P Soooooo adorable! Missing all y'all!!!!:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD And the real thank you note will come later but!!!!! Thank you so much for the minion, and the sweet notes, and the socks (:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD) and the bubble wrap:) They all made my day and plunged me into throes of excitement and happiness and ecstasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (especially everything!) Love y'all! Hope to see you soon! Bs and bs,

  3. Cameron, we have been :)! It is fun to move from a state that gets an inch of snow every two years, to one that has had snow several times already this year!

    KatieDid, we would *LOVE* to have you! How soon can you make it?! We've got about a sixty percent chance that it'll snow Thursday of next week ;)! And you are soooo welcome, especially for everything ;), and we know that it is busy after just moving, so take your time! We're just glad that you enjoyed it :). It seems like forever since last June... we miss you, too!
    "Bs" and "Bs" back to you :),
    Bri :)

  4. Haha I would love to see y'all! Don't know about that part though :/ Hopefully before too long our parents can engineer something for sometime over the next year!:D Thank you dahling! Annnndd I quite appreciated Tori's snow Gandalf because (take heed Tori my dear) I finished The Hobbit:) So! I thought it quite apropos, which is a fantabulous word that is pronounced like the first part of abracadabra with ps instead of bs followed by the sound you make when you're about to say "perpendicular" and then someone comes up from behind and *STARTLES YOU* by roaring or blowing on your neck or screeching or somesuchthing and you say "Oh!!!!"
    Love y'all! Bs and bs (no really back to you:)

  5. I would love it if they could! Praying!!!!

    Hahaha, she'll comment on that later, I'm sure, so I'll just let her say it all ;)...

    I have no idea how to pronounce that... even with the word pictures. It's worse than Chinese.
    ...Heehee :).

    Miss you!
    ~Bri :) (Hugs, b's, and b's... doubled ;).)

  6. Miss you too!:D Here is the REAL pronouncimacation:)
    Quadrupified bs and bs!:) ~Katiedid~

  7. I have the pronunciation... you just confused me with your lesson on HOW to pronounce it, and I thought you wanted it said in a "dramatic way" or something, haha. Anyway...
    Quadrupidoublefied b's and b's! ;)


"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11