
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Looking Back at July ✽ Little Moments

Happy August, everyone! I hope your July was wonderful and that this new month will hold lots of blessings for each of you! Life was busy and full in July, and now we are all just wondering when Baby Bear will choose to grace us with his presence ;). Here's a little look at our month...

One night while Mama and Daddy went on a date, I had the little ones make personalized pizzas for supper. It made quite the impression on them. Abbi especially talks about it constantly, and I would say it was definitely a memory maker for them, haha!

Abbi made her pizza shaped like a stocking on accident, lol!

I wuv him <3. He woke up early and came to snuggle me in bed while I did my bible reading, but by the time I was ready to get up he was fast asleep again :).

We were gifted these chairs by a kind couple at church who are moving, so sweet!

Peter drew the kissy-face emoji from memory after seeing it once as I scrolled through instagram. Too cute!

Mama and I have been crafting half the month; she took up fabric stamping (so awesome!), and I have been working on a baby blanket for 3 weeks... hopefully just two more days worth of work to do there! I kind of had a goal to finish in less than 40 days, which is, I think, my current record for how diligent I was on getting one from start to finish. I'm not a very competitive person except against myself, then I am ruthless, haha! But I'm not going to share any pictures, we'll get some with baby eventually ;).

Our garden... haha. Well, the bell peppers and tomato plants started flowering. But it's so late now, I doubt that it really does much good. But, as Bethi says, we did better than last year! We've got three cucumbers that are quite big, and we harvested a whole basil plant (which is currently drying in the dehydrator, and it smells delicious, but it's taking so loooonnnnnng, haha!). Last year we got three basil leaves. And Bethi lost them. This year is, sadly, an improvement. We had such a great garden before we moved to VA, it's sad!


Josiah: "I am hiding the dice from Noah. He can't see it way up there!"
Yeah, well neither can you, buddy... haha!

Noah, sitting in the van, about to go into church...
"Get pizza!"
After church:
"Get pizza now!"
*babbles about pizza*
Mama: "What if we don't get pizza?"
Noah, little lips quivering: "Because [translated "but"]. It be tasty."
*pizza for lunch*

Noah, with a caution cone on his head: "I'm a birthday!"
*Mama gives him a real birthday hat for fun*
Noah: "Where's a mirror? I sooooooo cute!"

Abbi: "Noah! It's raining!!!"
Noah: "More whipped cream!"
He typically loves rain, but apparently :whipped cream > rain:.

Also, obviously Noah is the family comedian of the year. You can't beat two year olds. (Sorry, Tori.)

Can we all just agree that if you clean the play kitchen set at church and there AREN'T toy cars in the oven, the question begs to be asked, did they even use the nursery last week?

Tori: "Noah calls cardinal birds, caramel birds."
Peter: "...Cardinal birds?...
"...I think I know why...
"...I call them caramel birds, too."

*Me, talking to myself, obviously*
I thought that that habit had died down for some reason, but nope, it's totally still buried in there, and it's resurfacing full force. Honestly it annoys me too when I notice, but it's just so involuntary, lol.

Also, does anyone else find themselves making a conscientious decision to Stop. Singing. In. Their. Head. and breath a sigh of relief when everything is quiet for two minutes before you start again...accidentally? Or no? Is that just me?

Noah, pointing to a cucumber; "Cucomoe!"

Abbi: "We've loved each other all our lives."
"Except you were MISSING for eleven years of my life, and it was sad."
Abbi: "But we have always loved each other in our hearts, even when we didn't know it..."

Abbi and Emmi, pretending to be indian princesses, walk past our organization station:
Emmi: "Ooo! You have a morning schedule! Not many tribes have those."

Josiah, when Tori asked if he liked salsa chicken: "No, but I just keep on eatin' it. And when it spices me, I have to take a big drink."

Andrew: "I didn't want to take my belt to bed with me! I might swallow it while I slept." (???)
Tori: "And then every time you would open your mouth to sing, you would start... BELTING."

Josiah explaining "Duck, duck goose": "You sit, and we'll goose you."

Bethi: "You don't get points for doing nothing."
I mean, she was being sarcastic, but that's a great life lesson right there. Thanks, Bethi.

While mourning the fact that the first baby cucumber I found was eaten by bugs, two much bigger cucumbers were growing and I never even knew it, I was so surprised when I found them, haha.

Noah is only too young for coffee when he wears this shirt....

...If he is wearing literally any other shirt, he says he is big enough. It's hilarious. I will tell him, "You're too young for coffee!!!" and he looks down at his shirt to see whether he is too young today, or not.

I'm turning on the dehydrator for basil...
"It won't turn on."
*checks plug*
"Ohhhhhh, good."
*plugs it in* *turns it on*
"It still won't start. Where is the manual? Maybe I forgot something.... nope. Oh dear. Wait a minute... I bet..."
"Yep. Y'all, I plugged in the coffee pot."

I take a video of Noah telling me what his "Dino-mite Dude" shirt says, because it's cute, and he asks to see it.
After it's over, he tells me, giggling, "That was Noah. Noah talking like a baby." Like he doesn't talk all day long like a baby for obvious reasons... like, um, being a baby ;).

Abbi and Emmi celebrated Christmas in July... with an umbrella tree, a precious moments figurine, and air cocoa with candy canes in a Christmas cup, hahaha!

Tori, while I edit this post... ""Are you laughing at your own blog?"
Me: "Cardinal Birds?... I think I know why..."


Under the Tapestry Knit Dishcloths

These knitted washcloths are available in Under the Tapestry :)! I was asked to sell these by a knit-washcloth-fan, and I have several sets available! And Under the Tapestry celebrates it's 3 year opening anniversary on August 10th! How would y'all like to see that celebrated :)? I have some ideas, but I am still finalizing things, so I am open to suggestions!

Murphett the Crocheted Mouse by Under the Tapestry Handcrafts

I also impulse free-handed this little mouse for Noah one night. He had been carrying around a baby's first laptop just to play with the little "computer mouse" on it. So I thought, I bet he'd like one without the laptop attached, and that evening I crocheted it up on the fly in a little over an hour. I finished it after he went to sleep, which made me sad, because I had told him I was making something for him... but then he woke up being carried to bed, and I was like, "Hey Noah..."... and when he saw it, he gasped and grinned from ear to ear, and it was just precious! I told Bethi, "That was worth it!!!", to which Noah replied, "Yeah, Merphett," and shoved the mouse in her face, so now this little guy is called Merphett the Mouse, and the pattern for him is going to be up on Under The Tapestry Handcrafts soon!

And here are the posts I shared on Forget Not His Benefits this month, in case you missed them :).

Life Lately

Undivided: A Study in 1st Samuel 

Whereas it was in Your Heart


How was your month :)?! Any ideas for Under The Tapestry's 3rd "birthday"? What are you looking forward to in August :)? Many blessings to each of you in our precious Lord and Savior!

Rejoicing in Hope,
Bri :)


  1. Hi there, Bri!

    Two year olds are the cutest! I babysit a two year old girl, and she is so precious. Whenever she sees a baby, (it can be anything: a frog, a baby doll, a baby toy, anything!) she’ll say, “awww. It’s so cute!” They have such a neat perspective, too. One time I saw her looking up at the wall above the entry door. I said, “what are you doing?” She said, “Isn’t that beautiful?” And she was pointing to a picture of her parents that was sitting on the shelf. I noticed it but hadn’t given it any thought beforehand. They’re just amazing people. <3

    I laughed lots from reading your funny conversations. I started writing down funny things my little sisters say in 2017. And it’s so fun to go back and read them. :)

    That’s great you all are getting all that fresh basil. Did you get the seeds from it? I got a half quart bag full when our basil plant went to seed a few years ago. It takes a lot of time to pull them all off though. Yay for getting large cucumbers!

    Oh, and ideas for your etsy birthday....I asked my sister Lauren, and she said her idea was a giveaway. Lol. Go figure. She loves giveaways. ;) Maybe a discount? Or you could take a poll and have some people suggest ideas and you make them and sell them. That’d be kinda cool.

    Have a happy day!


    1. Heyyyyyy Ashley!!!

      They arrrrreeeee!!! Just so sweet <3. And Noah has an AMAZING vocabulary, so he is so much fun! And that is just adorable about that little girl and her parents' picture... gah, I love it so much!

      It's the best, I never get tired of it. I am so glad I started keeping some of them, because now we have them to look back on!

      No, I didn't; I didn't even think of it! We had just one flower head, and then we stripped the plant, because I had heard that letting it flower too much lowered the quality of the edible plant. I will have to research how to do that next year! (This year we had plenty of the purchased seeds left, anyway, so it doesn't matter too much ;).)

      Wooooaaaah, girl, great minds think alike! Hahaha! First off, I am with your sister Lauren, giveaways are amazing ;), but I didn't really wan to go that route right now for a few different reasons, I wanted a little something different :). SO, I am doing discounts all week long, plus I have a contest on my FB page for people to suggest the different verses they would like to see on canvases in the future :)! The winner is going to get a $15 shop credit, so it's almost a giveaway, too :). Thanks for the suggestions, I didn't get to reply before, but it was sooo neat to see that you were thinking about the same ideas I was contemplating!

      Have a joyful evening,

  2. Ps. Just letting you know I replied to your comment about the chapstick. :)

  3. This made me miss my siblings. Little kids are the best, I love the way they think.

  4. I always enjoy your posts, Bri! I hope you have a enjoyable and blessed August! xx

    1. Awwww, you are just so sweet Jessica <3. You always brighten my day with your encouraging, cheerful, affirming comments! Thanks dear, I hope your's is as happy and blessed as you make others feel! <3 <3 <3


"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11