Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thankful Thursday. 12/17/15

~That each day is "a new day with no mistakes in it"... yet ;).
~The forgiveness of the Lord.
~Abbi's diligence and delight in making Christmas gifts :).
~Getting our room cleaned. I mean, it gets cleaned up often... but I didn't realize until I was dusting, how long it had been since I'd done stuff like said dusting ;). Lol!
~Our St. Nicholas Day celebrations :).
~Josiah's utter delight over a new toothbrush :). He is so cute!
~Pretty cups and cozy sock, and good books to read while drinking coffee. You know... the things that make an afternoon perfect :).
~All the gift buying and gift making we've been doing the past couple weeks! I love planning Christmas! It's coming a little too quickly, though... I really need to get moving along, lol...
~The tacky light drive here where we live :). It's given us something to replace the trip we used to take to the "Lights before Christmas" at Riverbanks zoo. We did that last week, and fully enjoyed it :)!
~Being alive in Christ.
~The stars in the sky.
~Our Christmas cantata :)! I think it went really well, and I was so happy to get to be a part of it :)!!!
~Getting my glasses tightened up.
~And Daddy fixed our lamp in our room :).
~Crochet tutorials.
~Peter's learning to sign his own name :). His R looks a little bit like an A... which I love, because people say his name "Peeta" all the time, because he's so sophisticated, heehee :).
~That our Lord intercedes for us.

I pray you each have a wonderful week :). Merry Christmas :)!

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"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11