Thursday, September 20, 2018

Recipe Review: Homemade Iced Caramel Macchiatoes

Last year, I was talking with a friend about my Write31 series, and she told me, "Write about coffee". And I was kind of like, "I do that all the time. How would I make a whole post out of it?" (Or worse, a whole series, haha.) So I didn't. BUT, I got really excited about this recipe when I found it, and wanted to share it with people... and then I remembered that conversation and laughed and went for it; but never actually got around to editing it, haha.

Today, I realized that I had overlooked posting yesterday before I went to a church event, and that I wouldn't have time to get a full post out before I left the house again today (at least, if I went with my current post ideas, and finding a new idea would take even longer). So I almost decided to skip this week's post, but then I remembered this draft, and thought y'all might enjoy this now as much as later! So, without further ado...

One day this summer, I was struck with an urge for some coffee... but not just a cup of coffee, I wanted a fun coffee. A creamy, cold coffee, but one that was a little different from what I usually make (just milk+sugar+coffee with ice, usually eyeballed, because I'm a toss-and-hope-for-the-best-cook quite often). I have seen some little charts floating around with all the nifty measurements about this drink holds so much steamed milk and milk foam and espresso and this or that syrup, and I kind of wanted to experiment. So of course I went straight to pinterest and looked for a recipe to try ;).

I found this one, and I was impressed by how it had that professional look of being "layered"... I totally spontaneously made the vanilla syrup in the link and some double strength coffee. It wasn't hard at all, and waiting until the syrup cools to add the vanilla syrup was a good call, so that it didn't cook off and lose that vanilla taste!

Then I researched how to do the milk, because I was getting differing opinions on whether I should simply pour it, steam it, or shake it, because I guess the warm and iced ones are different. I decided to shake it in a mason jar to twice it's volume, and whether it changes the taste or not I can't say, but it certainly helps it have that "look" to it. I'm almost obsessed just with the different colors, haha. It was layered and so pretty, and that thrilled me as much as the taste, though it may sound silly. I didn't get a picture of that one, but I just made another one, and although it didn't do quite as well (Abbi was rushing me and I didn't shake the milk as long as I should have, haha), you can kind of see it :). I made one for Tori, and she was like, "Woah... this looks... fancy."

I used some caramel sauce we had on hand the first time, but the next time I made up some more vanilla syrup, I decided to make the caramel as well, while I was already in the kitchen. That wasn't hard, either, though I was worried I was going to burn it. I didn't, and, it fact, next time I will decide not to even worry about it, and just keep melting the sugar until it's completely smooth, because I left a couple small sugar lumps in the finished syrup, and had to strain it out, but it was still yummy :). It bubbled a LOT when I added the water, so it sounded dangerous, haha. But  it was just fine.

It's yummy with whipped cream on it, too ;). Bethi seemed to really enjoy both of the ones I have given her, and Andrew said it was really good, even though he point blank thought coffee was nasty last time I gave him any, haha. I definitely love this recipe, and I drink too much coffee when I have these syrups sitting in the fridge ;)... Also... Noah approves...

Because this onsie is a lie, and who could say no to that face? Neither Mama nor I drank coffee for several weeks at one point, and this child went crazy when he saw Mama's first cup afterwards, haha...

And now, I need to be off to accomplish some things before I get busy... the story of my life ;).

Do you like coffee? What's your favorite coffee drink :)? Are you interested in trying this recipe now?

Rejoicing in Hope,


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Skyyyyyyyyyye, I accidentally deleted your comment trying to come reply to it, and I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry, because that is so me, hahaha...
      But yes. You should make this. And then I want to know how it went and what you thought ;)!
      Thank you for your comment, that I so rudely, mistakenly, unmeaningly lost... lol!

  2. Ohhh YUM. One day I'll try this!!! :D (THat sounds like a fob-off! XD But seriously, it sounds so GOOD!)

    1. And one day I will make it again! Haha. But seriously, I have been keeping too many cookies in the house to need access to these drinks every day, too, haha. But it's delicious.

  3. Ha. Ha. Haha. Ha. Ha. :'D

    Looks amazing! Good job!

    1. I'm not sure if you are mocking me, or genuinely laughing. *laughing emoji*


    2. I'm just laughing at that first paragraph. You make me sound so ridiculous. jk maybe Hahaha

  4. Replies
    1. It is faaaaaabulous!! I was disappointed by the frappe recipe by the same lady, but I think I can point to three mistakes I made, so I'm going to give them one more try ;).


"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11