Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thankful Thursday ✽ Super Moon

This week I have been thankful for.... 
-Cinnamon muffins and warm coffee :).
-Getting to be a part of my little siblings lives. It’s so fun to get to know each of their unique gifts, talents, quirks and personalities!
-The great deal mama got on a crockpot. It’s larger than our old one, which is a point highly in it’s favor! We’ve tried several new crockpot meals lately, but we definitely need to be able to make more to do it often, haha :). We're making salsa chicken in it now, mmmmm!

-For national pizza day (Tori "made" us celebrate ;)…).
-Food… haha ;).
-All the little knickknacks, jewelry, and pictures that I have been given that remind me of the love and friendship of so many sweet people the Lord has put in my life :).

-Getting to watch my little siblings experience a new movie. When a four year old gets concerned for the outcome, it’s almost more fun to watch their face then the movie, hahaha!
-Sleeping baby snuggles <3.
-How good Bethi is at keeping Noah happy. I love to snuggle him, but sometimes when Mama is busy, she is the only one he will quiet for, and it's nice that the poor baby doesn't have to cry until Mama is done, haha :).

-Going outside with Tori to enjoy the Super moon. 

At about 9:30ish at night, she called me from my bed were I was watching Noah, "Bri! Come outside with me! Mama said she'll take Noah." So I gave Noah to Mama and we put shoes on and went out.
Tori steps out the door. "I don't see it."
Me: *sees a glimmer through the trees* "It's right there. You can't really see it."
Tori: "It looks the same as always."
Me: *backs up* *backs up again* *backs up further* *sees that I'm standing on the edge of the deck* *grabs Tori and backs up further into the yard until we can actually see the whole thing* "See, there it is!!!!"
Tori: "It still doesn't look that much bigger, but it does seems clearer, so maybe that's what is supposed to be special." 
*ooing and awwing at being able to see the valleys*
Tori: *Makes some hideous yelp, or jumps, or points at something like she's scared, I can't even remember because it scared me so bad*
Me: *jumps onto the deck from where I am standing in about two hops and keeps running even though Tori says that she was joking*

And then I got inside shivering, and I asked her, "Ohhhh, remember the time we got up and snuck around the house in the middle of the night because the moon was supposed to be cool, but we couldn't find it and then we found out that it wasn't even GOING to look cool where we were?"
Tori: "...Yes."
Me: "We didn't even see it, but it's one of my favorite things we've done together...." Haha! I love making memories with her :).

Mama filing some pictures Daddy took the other day: "What was the moon called?"
"Super moon?"
Daddy: "Why?"
"So I can save these pictures."
"Oh. Well, technically it wasn't the super moon, but the night before."
"Well, okay." *names the files "supermoonish"*

-That through Christ’s suffering we were given eternal, everlasting life and love.
-That one day every knee will bow and every tongue give God His deserved title as Lord.
-That no matter what is going on in the world around us, we can be confidant that God will have the glory and victory described in Revelation.
-That God’s promises are sure and none will fail because He is a truthful, all-powerful King.
-That God not only made earth life-sustaining, but also beautiful. “What made God take so much care, to make creation glow? He could have made it black and white, and we’d have never known.” And also that one day he will return it to it’s original perfect state and we will live with Him forever!

-For colored pencils. To draw, make cards, mark my bible to help in studying, they are useful and pretty :)!
-That I made a sale in my shop :)! That’s always exciting!
-How Noah (seven months) can always make Josiah (2) happy, even when he’s just woken up and crying. Just looking at Noah makes him smile, and I love it so much!!!!
-Doing dishes with my younger siblings and how many hands make light work, and what cheerful helpers they were while Mom took Tori to her dentist appointment the other day :)!

-For a fun outing with Mama yesterday :). We had yummy food, great conversation, I got some yarn for a project and new fuzzy socks and some new pencils to use in my bible studying (and I get too excited about pencils, haha) and it was a day that I am so thankful for <3.
-Psalm 22 and the way it points to Christ's suffering on our behalf, and reminds us of how much he loved us to go through so much for the cleansing of OUR sins!
-Answer keys to math. I'm so glad that when helping check my younger siblings work, I don't have to do each problem to see if they are right ;).
-Coffeeeeeeeeee!!!! (I had caffeinated yesterday, which I usually try to stay away from, but it was a treat day, and it's so much better when it's not decaf… lol…)
-Noah's little bitty tooth that popped through Tuesday night! His baby grin is gone (seriously, it's so far out for having just broken the surface!), but his smile is just as sweet, and I know it makes him happy!

Blessings in our Lord and Savior,
Bri <3

"Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever!" <3

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"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11