Friday, April 23, 2021

Peter is 9!

Our Sweeter Peter's birthday is today! We seem to have really done a number on birthdays in some way or another this year, and his is no exception... we spent all day driving to Illinos for my great-grandma's memorial service. So Peter's birthday will probably be truly celebrated next month, but we still had to do a few gifts + a store bought cake (he thought picking it out was pretty cool!) and sang happy birthday to him :).

The trip was interesting... everyone did REALLY, really well, honestly. But then we had sick toddlers, and diapered babies, and messed up Mcdonalds orders, and we had to pull over more times than anticipated because all of those things just took up time, and Philip was so done being in his car seat... we are happy to have made it, and think next time we want to only drive nights. It went MUCH better the first 11 hours of the trip, before the kiddos woke up, just because they didn't need food and bathroom breaks, not because they were naughty. Mama rented an airbnb rather than a hotel room this trip, and it is so nice!!! We're looking forward to seeing family, and we're visiting places from my Grandpa's and Mom's childhoods... so neat. And I'm just thrilled it worked out, because I know how much it meant to my Mama to make it.

It's super duper late, and everyone was ready to crash when we got here, but before Peter went to bed, he found out which bed was his, and arranged all his special things on the shelf near it, like he would have them at home :).

Peter and Philip are best buds - two little "P"s in a pod ;). Some days, when I come home from work and just want a quick baby snuggle, I have to tell Peter, "you're home with him all. day!!! My turn!", hehehe. I love their bond, though, and I can't wait to see it develop more. Tori thinks Philip is going to pick up Peter's sense of humor. Either way, they both light up when they see each other, it's adorable!

Happy birthday, Peter - now, and when we get around to celebrating :)! <3, Bri

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"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11