Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thankful Thursday, Week 72

This week I am especially thankful for such things as....
~The box we received from our Gramma last weekend. It had some really neat items in it :)!
~Like, balloons to make balloon animals with :). Tori was really excited about that :).
~And towels. We are constantly running out of towels, so that was a very functional gift, as well as fun :). And, Gramma, I do believe that even Peter looks forward to using his towel- he points to it every time he is in the bathroom!
~Little reminders from the Lord that he knows all our needs, and will supply over and beyond what we need :)...
~A dear friend's sharing with me that she was caring for our old garden back in SC- "just so I didn't feel too bad" about it :). I enjoyed hearing how well it was doing, but even more of a blessing was the time she took just to be a blessing and let me know that she doing that for us. We miss you and your family, Kaitlyn!
 ~My new "garden". Thank you, Tori and Mommy :)...

~Gramma and Miss Mary's encouragement to keep blogging. They are some of the most rewarding people to write for, let me tell ya ;). :)
~Yummy family recipes simmering on the stove.
~Can openers.
~Getting to snuggle lots of little people.
~Time with Mommy and Tori.
~Emmi's snuggles late at night :).
~Clean bed sheets.
~Aluminum foil.
~Passages from Romans... you find them all over the place :). That study was such a blessing, and continues to be :)!
~Lil' sleepy baby :)...

~That I was able to get that spot off our bedroom wall... hahaha :).
~That the library is finished :)!
~That Daddy has been so blessed by his meetings this week :)! That is such a big change from when he worked at Family Christian Stores, and a very big blessing from the Lord :)!
~That Peter's leg seems to be fine this morning, he isn't limping at all that we can tell :).

Oh, and, don't ask me how, because I don't know the answer, but our laundry baskets were all empty of dirty clothes for a half hour yesterday! Haha! :)...

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"May the Lord, the God of your fathers... bless you!" Deuteronomy 1:11